When I discovered I was a Furry and Scalie it kind of shocked me because I not only found out I was a Furry/Scalie but that I was really into the gay pornography.
After a few weeks of me being 18 I finally decided to get a account for. I obviously still use it to this day and it is really the only site I use for Furry and Scalie Pornography. So from there I searched for new Furry and Scalie Pornography sites.
I liked the art on YaioHaven and Herpy but I didn't like their interfaces too much. But when the site went down for maintenance and became their new site I discovered which had mostly Scalie Pornography on it. From there I was introduced to YaioHaven which had both Hentai and Furry art. From there I browsed for a few months I think until I found out you can click on a link to bring you to the site that the art came from. I started off on Google images because I didn't know any sites to go on with art on them for I was new to this. I didn't really get into Furry Pornography until I was 15 when I became more curious.
When I was about 14 I watched a National Geographic Documentary on Furries and I have gained a huge interest since.